Nature is our Greatest Teacher
When we awaken the wild in us, the wild indigenous one, the one that instinctively knows that our true nature is nature and call upon the courage to be vulnerable enough and humble enough to ask permission and listen deeply with our whole sensual-emotional being and truly commune with nature, the veil is lifted and we realise all is emergent within us. We are life living through our flesh. We are love living though our breath. Life and death are inseparable and all is beauty.
Be Welcome
Hi, we are Awakening The Wild. We are passionate about creating collaborative community gatherings and holding sacred spaces for healing, transformation and celebration for individuals and groups, as we recognise the need in ourselves as 21st century human beings for connection, movement, touch, space to breathe, places to create together, to heal together, to sing and dance and laugh together, to sit around the sacred fire, to reconnect to nature and our own true natures and to tell good stories, life affirming stories.

We see all of life as sacred and together we remember our sacred belonging to our Mother Earth and our part to play in the reverence of all of life and for all our relations. We welcome a deeper relationship with life, with nature and our own true nature: to awaken the wild landscapes that live within, together we help each other to remember.

We produce a wide range of nourishing and healing events and programmes, both in-person and online, including rituals, ceremonies, gatherings in nature, workshops, courses, circles of men and circles of women. Individually we offer private sessions, 1-1 mentoring and group work and love to share our creative medicine in many mediums.

Nature is our Greatest Teacher.
" Youwww! This was my very first experience such as this, and it was spectacular! Deeply profound, provocative and powerful. I accessed parts of my being that I have been unable to touch in the last 30 years of conventional talking therapy...the space felt extremely safe and sacred at all times, enabling me to open up and welcome in whatever feelings, both physical and emotional, arose in me. This feels like deeply important, life - changing work and I will return again. " James
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Man - Groove online

Experience the inspirational benefits of weekly sharing circles with a committed group of mutually supportive men focused on embodied, heart centred and soul centric living, whilst developing a personal Movement Medicine practice as a profound resource for physical and mental health and wellbeing. Designed to be accessible to all men, regardless of experience or background. This is an invitation to journey deeply together, to work, play and pray together.

Men Only

Movement Medicine



Sharing Circles

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Nurturing Massage for Women

Relax - Nurture - Harmonise. These sessions are specifically designed for women, who recognise their need to restore balance to the body's energy system and to receive a deep nourishment, nurturing attention and caring presence.


Women Only

In-Person Event

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ReSource: Essential Elements of Movement Medicine

Movement Medicine® is a body based movement meditation practice that will reconnect you to the wisdom of living from the heart, the joy of knowing who you are and the satisfaction of making your unique contribution to life. During this 6 month intensive course you will have the opportunity to address what is calling for attention in your life - in your body-heart-mind and your past-present future. It will deepen your connection to yourself, your creativity and the integrity and guidance of your own soul. Wholeness is the invocation, healing is the outcome.


Men and Women

Movement Medicine

Sharing Circles


In-Person Event

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Honey Pot -discovery package

4 online TASTER WORKSHOPS and 4 FREE DISCOVERY TALKS . HONEY POT is a 'discovery package' that gives you 'access all areas' at a significantly reduced price.


Men and Women


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Space to Dance - Abergavenny 8th Feb

Eclectic music, partly guided, sober space to dance, connect and awaken the wild dancer in you. Liberating structures designed for freedom and unity.


In-Person Event

Men and Women

Twice a month

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Space to Dance - Whitney-on-Wye -15 Feb

Eclectic music, partly guided, sober space to dance, connect and awaken the wild dancer in you. Liberating structures designed for freedom and unity.


In-Person Event

Men and Women



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Dancing Poet: Performance, Talk and Dance

Dancing Poet is an opportunity to bathe in the medicine of Keef's poetry and to hear performances from his forthcoming anthology - A Way With Words. It also serves as an introduction to the basic practices of this evolving body of work The Way of The Dancing Poet, which is also a forthcoming book. The Way of the Dancing Poet has been designed to support, inspire and elicit the awakening of your inner poet / artist.



Movement Medicine

Men and Women



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Daughters of the Moon Cabana- Sweat Lodge for Women

The central part of Daughters of the Moon offerings is Cabana- Purification Lodge for Women, where we cleanse and bless our womb spaces, portals of life and the energetic centres of our bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


In-Person Event

Sweat Lodge

Women Only

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Medicine Quest -Free discovery call

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Rebecca to discover what is involved in this deep immersion into nature and your own nature. MEDICINE QUEST: A Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony, guided by Rebecca Card & Keef Wesolowski-Miles, 20th - 30th August 2025- Dartmoor, England ,UK



Men and Women



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Man-Groove: Embodied Heart Medicine Online - taster event

ManGROOVE is a heart-centred embodied sharing circle and Movement Medicine practice for Men.



Men Only


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Power of Three

Discovery call and introducion to Whole Soul Mentoring and The Power of Three, 1-1 or small groups of 3




Men and Women



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PHOENIX -rEvolution -FREE discovery call

“The Phoenix is an invitation to rise from the ashes of your suffering and evolve a new story that brings dignity to who you are and strengthens your love for and therefore, action on behalf of, the web of life.” Ya’Acov Darling Khan. FREE online discovery call , Talk and Q&A with Keef about his Phoenix ONLINE programme approach.




Men and Women


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WILD HEART: Embodied Heart Medicine - taster event

Wild Heart is a heart-centred embodied sharing circle and Movement Medicine practice for closed, mixed groups - ONLINE


Men and Women

Movement Medicine

Sharing Circles



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Dancing with Death. Burial Ceremony- FREE discovery call

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Aluna to discover what is involved in this profound ceremonial immersionDANCING WITH DEATH: Burial Ceremony, Movement Medicine, Cabana Sweat Lodge and more. Guided by Aluna & Keef Wesolowscy-Miles, 3rd-7th September, Wales, UK




Men and Women


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Man- Groove: Long Weekend Immersion

Shamanic Immersion for Men


Men Only

In-Person Event



Movement Medicine

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Full of Seeds- foundational immersion

This is foundational level immersion into The Way of the Dancing Poet.



Men and Women

In-Person Event

Movement Medicine

Sweat Lodge

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Medicine Quest -Free discovery call 2

The purpose of this DISCOVERY CALL is to meet the guides and to have a Q&A with Keef and Rebecca to discover what is involved in this deep immersion into nature and your own nature. MEDICINE QUEST: A Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony, guided by Rebecca Card & Keef Wesolowski-Miles, 20th - 30th August 2025- Dartmoor, England ,UK



Men and Women



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Medicine Quest: Movement Medicine and Vision Quest Ceremony

In this 11 day ceremony you will experience a deep dive into the underworld through dance and movement, as well as other preparatory and integrating practices with the land and the other-than-humans. This, we hope, will serve as a catalyst for the shift in consciousness needed for the human-to-earth awakening. It will provide a space to travel to the depths of yourself and has the potential for something more authentic and unique to be unearthed through 4 days and nights in ceremony with the land and Mystery.




Men and Women

Movement Medicine


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Dancing With Death

Dancing with Death is an opportunity for recapitulation, a chance to revisit and clean up our personal history, which includes the stories of many generations of our linages back in time. It is the process of reclaiming energy that is locked up in those past events and interactions. It is opportunity to find peace, acceptance, forgiveness; to take responsibility and offer apology, gratitude and prayers for all beings everywhere. Ultimately it is an invitation to fully say YES to this one precious life and an invocation of Death specifically as an ally, a benevolent friend.


In-Person Event

Movement Medicine

Sweat Lodge

Men and Women


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When we listen deeply the trees speak deep wisdom on our wild wanderings as the wind dances through the branches and the sky dancers birds sing us back home to ourselves.
A multitude of beings may reveal themselves as allies on our personal path when we open our senses to receive guidance.

When we wander with wonder and allow our whole being, our soma to deeply commune with and to be in relationship with nature a sacred marriage can happen.

A profound trans spieces interactions may be more tangible and our imaginations may open portals to a deeper knowing of our wildness and the mytho-poetic language of our souls where there is really no separation between our personal consciousness and the consciousness of all of life.
Mentoring 1-1

Wild Soul ReSourcing - 1-1 Somatic Soul Mentoring + Movement Medicine®

The journey is 3 fold - ‘soul revelation’, ‘soul retrieval’ and ‘soul cultivation’. 
It is all about creative energetic evolution through deep imaginal journeying, Movement Medicine, self-enquiry and feedback with fierce and tender compassion.  

The ‘soul revelation’ piece is about learning to listen to and feel deeper into all that is asking to be felt, expressed, alchemised, dreamed and realised from the depth of your being human. It is about learning practices, processes, rituals and ceremonies that enable you to access elements of your innate mythopoetic identity, your soul song, your unique and magnificent essence. 

The ‘soul retrieval’ part is about accessing potential life energy, power and creativity that is locked up in your conditioned stories about yourself, the world and all of life. The gifts in our wounds, the gold in our suffering.  It is about utilising this ‘retrieved’ revitalising  energy as a nourishing resource and inspiration to rewrite or re-vision the stories that you tell about yourself, others, the world, your past, present and future in more life-affirming and empowering ways.

The ‘soul cultivation’ aspect is about stepping through portals of possibility and awakening potential within us. It is about developing and embedding practices, processes, rituals, ceremonies and stories into our movement to moment, day to day life that weave golden threads of remembrance and incarnation into our being. Primarily this ‘remembrance’ is the recognition that we all have, and have always had, a vast reservoir of resourcing, creativity, vitality and medicine available to us in any given moment that can nourish us through the inevitable cycles, waves and spirals that make up the terrain of our personal path as a human being. 

The ‘incarnation’ part is about active participation with this human process  as love-in-action in all of our roles and relationships. This is work is perfectly practical and intended to develop a truly effective tool kit - or medicine bag -  for living a more fulfilling life where the mundane and sublime are interwoven and we develop the skills for sustainable ways of being in the world that are congruent with our values and deep soul dreaming.

This is a unique opportunity to explore, take responsibility, reclaim your power and rewrite the stories you tell about yourself in all areas of your life. By making peace with our past and those parts of our psyche that ‘protect’ us we can empower our present and dream into being the life we were born to live.  All holes are holy in our wholeness. This is about coming home to wholeness and unveiling the unique mythopoetic essence at the core of your being.

“Keef is an exceptionally gifted practitioner. His ability to hold space, even for very deep processes, to intuit and to channel divine flow allow me to really trust and surrender into the process. As a therapist myself, I truly appreciate Keef’s rare gift and the results I get from working with him. Our sessions give me the opportunity to explore and express, to reprogram and to move forward refreshed".
Carolin Zeitler, Dance Therapist & Alchemist
Mentoring 1-1
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Private sessions
Integrative Bodywork - the Art of Healing

Experience a sacred ritual of touch based therapy that utilises holistic methods rooted in ancient wisdom and intuitive approaches to the healing and balancing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This beautiful massage supports the physical, emotional and energetic bodies to release, transform and revitalise. Deeply rooted in the practice loving kindness and prayerful intention, it is performed on. a massage table and  high grade oils are used. The touch of plants healing properties, stones, medicinal clay, salt can be incorporated in the healing session. If you feel the need to receive deep nourishment and caring presence and attention this massage is for you.

Cabana - Sweat Lodge Ritual

For those who are seeking of a deep purification and re-alignment, we highly recommend to commune with the medicine of Cabana. This is an invitation to enter the womb of the Great Mother, our source, the centre of creation and destruction, to purify and bless our bodies: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.

This Sacred Lodge supports us in cleansing our memories from contamination, releasing what is blocking us, re-programming ourselves. She helps us to reclaim our original imprints and to remember our origin, to touch our essences, so we can fully incarnate in this life on Earth taking our place, manifesting our souls' dreams and purposes.

This is an ancient ritual where we are tapping into the ancestral wisdom of our grandparents; the human ones and the elemental : the earth, the water, the fire, the air.​

Cabana is also referred to as Grandmother Spider, who works on the web of healing, weaving the threads of our destiny, symbolises the web of life. She is very generous to those who are open to receiving and going through the portal of possibilities that she opens for us in our bodies, hearts, minds and souls.
" Yesterday I had an honour to receive a massage from Aluna. That was a healing experience. Aluna provided gentle bodywork and unconditional acceptance and love expressed through touch that was dissolving tension and bringing pleasure. After I physically relaxed and rested, eventually, through felt body sensing, I reached and connected to deep repressed feelings. She was holding safe space for me and gave me time to process whatever was coming up for me. She was fully available, noticing what I needed, and acting on her intuition. She was just being with me when I needed her, without trying to fix me or distract me from feeling pain. I left feeling gratitude and happiness. I am needed. I am loved. I am accepted. I am OK as I am. I am touchable and deserve to be taken care of." Cyril Sherman
Private sessions
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Prayer to the Great Mother

Our Mother, who is in the sky, the earth and everywhere,
Blessed be your beauty and your abundance.
Bring to our hearts the key that opens the portal of love.
May each one of us respect the paths of all beings,
And the exercise of forgiveness be part of our existence.
May we welcome at our table all those who wish to share with us the sacred food.

Our Mother, who is in the sky, the earth and everywhere,
May the highest purpose guide our steps
And the beat of our hearts unite with the heartbeat of the earth
So we may pulsate as a single rhythm.
May the stars guide us through the dark nights
And the sun shine brightly on our bodies.

Hey Great Spirit, Hey Great Mother, Hey XamAM!

XamAM Alba Maria